Murashaxa Madaxweyne ee Xisbiga WADDANI mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cirro ayaa maanta kulan la qaatay wefti uu hoggaaminayey Safiirka Ingiriiska Ambassador Mike.

Thursday August 10, 2023 - 09:02:47
Hoggaanka Xisbiga iyo Weftiga Boqortooyada Middowday (UK) ayaa ka wada hadlay arrimaha doorashooyinka cakiran ee Somaliland, xaaladaha nabadgelyo darro ee soo kordhay iyo xalka Laasacaanood. Xoghayaha Warfaafinta xisbiga WADDANI Mahmoud Adam Jama "Galaal" May be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 6 peopleMay be an image of 6 peopleMay be an image of 6 peopleMay be an image of 10 peopleMay be an image of 4 peopleMay be an image of 11 peopleMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 2 people

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