Guddoomiyaha KMG ee Xisbiga WADDANI Mudane Cabdilqaadir Xaaji Ismaaciil Jirde oo ay weheliyaan Xoghayaha Guud Mudane Khadar Xuseen Cabdi, Mudane Ismaaciil Aadan Cismaan (Ismaaciil Yare), Mudane Abiib Diiriye Nuur, Mudane Cismaan Afgaab guddoomiyaha Golaha Dhexe, Xoghayaha Ganacsiga, Wershadaha iyo Dalxiiska Mudane Xamse Cabdiraxmaan Khayre, Xoghayaha Xannaanada Xoolaha Mudane Dr Axmed Cabdillaahi Cige (Shugri) iyo Madaxda Gobolka Maroodijeex ee Xisbiga ayaa kulan is xog-waraysi iyo qado ah Magaalada Gabiley kula qaatay Musharraxiinta Xisbiga ee Golaha Deegaanka Degmada Gabiley.

Friday May 21, 2021 - 16:14:00
Masuuliyiinta Xisbiga ayaa musharraxiinta Falanqayn qoto dheer kala yeeshay u diyaar-garowga doorashooyinka isku sidkan ee Wakiillada iyo Goleyaasha Deegaanka, islamarkaana siiyay xog-warran ku aaddan qabsoomidda doorashada iyo hawlaha ololaha.

Kulanka ayaa si weyn loogu falanqeeyay wixii caqabado jira iyo sidii looga gudbi lahaa waxaana is fahan laga gaadhay hannaanka ololaha iyo sidii Xisbigu guul uga gaadhi lahaa doorashada 31-ka May ka dhacaysa Somaliland, gaar ahaanna Gabiley oo ahmiyad weyn u leh tartanka doorashada.

Madaxda Xisbigu waxa ay Musharraxiinta ku boorriyeen in ay laban-laaban dadaalkooda wakhtiga kooban ee ka hadhsan doorashada, islamarkaana isku duubni muujiyaan.

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