Musharraxa madaxweynaha ee xisbiga WADDANI mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi Cirro ayaa xalay kulan balaadhan oo mahadnaqa la yeeshay maamulka gobolka Maroodijeex, maamulka degmooyinka caasimadda, dhallinyarada ku bahoobay dalladaha xisbiga taageera iyo qaybaha bulshada oo dhammaantood si hagar la'aan ah uga qayb qaatay kaadh qaybintii dhawaan ka qabsoontay dalka.

Tuesday July 04, 2023 - 23:15:35
Musharrax Madaxweynaha iyo madaxda xisbiga ee wehelinayay ayaa qaybaha bulshada ku bogaadiyay sidii xilkasnimada lahayd ee ay bulshada ugu wacyigeliyeen uguna soo saareen hawlgalkii qaadashada kaadhadhka codbixinta. May be an image of 2 people, hospital and daisMay be an image of 4 peopleMay be an image of 4 people and daisMay be an image of 4 people and daisMay be an image of 5 people, headscarf and daisMay be an image of 1 person and daisMay be an image of 13 people and daisMay be an image of 2 people, people smiling and newsroomMay be an image of 3 people, beard and newsroomMay be an image of 6 people and daisMay be an image of 1 person, smiling, headscarf, scarf and daisMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 4 peopleMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 4 people and daisMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 2 people and beardMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 3 peopleMay be an image of 3 peopleMay be an image of 6 people, suit and daisMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 8 peopleMay be an image of 9 people and crowdMay be an image of 7 people and daisMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 2 people and suitMay be an image of 6 people and daisMay be an image of 5 people and daisMay be an image of 13 people and daisMay be an image of 3 people and daisMay be an image of 3 people, people smiling, dais, crowd and hospital

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