Guddoomiyaha Xisbiga WADDANI ahna Musharrax Madaxweynaha ee Xisbiga Mudane Cabdiraxmaan Maxamed Cabdillaahi (Cirro) iyo masuuliyiin sare oo Xisbiga WADDANI ah, ayaa Magaalada Hargeysa kaga qayb-galay

Tuesday April 06, 2021 - 14:13:56
munaasabad ballaadhan oo lagu shaacinayay Musharraxa Golaha Wakiillada Dr Ciise Kayd Maxamuud, Musharraxa Golaha Deegaanka Hargeysa Khadar Maxamed Muxumed (Qoor-gaab) iyo Musharraxa Golaha deegaanka degmada Balligubadle Cumar Maxamed Naaleeye.

Munaasabad oo ahayd mid si heer sare ah loo agaasimay, waxaa ka soo qayb-galay madax-dhaqameedka, haween, dhallinyarro, siyaasiyiin miisaan ku leh saaxada siyaasadda Somaliland oo uu ka mid yahay Cabdillaahi Xuseen (Darawal) iyo Taageerayaasha musharraxiinta oo tiro badan.
May be an image of 1 person, standing and outdoorsMay be an image of 1 person and standingMay be an image of 1 person, sitting and standingMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of 2 people, people standing and indoorMay be an image of 1 person, standing and indoorMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of 1 person, sitting and standingMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 1 person and standingMay be an image of one or more people and headscarfMay be an image of indoorMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of one or more people and people standingMay be an image of 1 person, standing and indoorMay be an image of 1 person and standingMay be an image of one or more people, people standing and people sitting

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