Hoggaanka Garabka Haweenka Heer Qaran ayaa maanta kulan ku yeeshay Xarunta Dhexe ee Xisbiga WADDANI.

Wednesday January 10, 2024 - 13:06:44
Shirkan oo ay hoggaaminaysay guddoomiyaha Garabka Haweenka Marwo Foosiye Kayse, goobjoogna ahayd guddoomiye kuxigeenka xisbiga Marwo Milgo Sanbalooshe ayaa lagu gorfeeyay dardar gelinta hawlaha xisbiga ee kaalinta haweenka iyo tabaabushaha doorashooyinka dalka ka qabsoomaya sanadkan. May be an image of 1 person and headscarfMay be an image of 2 peopleMay be an image of 11 people and tableMay be an image of 11 people and tableMay be an image of 7 people and tableMay be an image of 10 people, table and daisMay be an image of 3 people and headscarfMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 5 peopleMay be an image of 1 personMay be an image of 2 people and headscarf

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